i canot come on server anymore , silab doesn't work...same with the client...theres sumting with my java, and i don't understand what i need to do..so if someone can help me i can online back ...
this is the error i get when i use client...:
java wordt niet herkend als een interne of externe opdracht, programma of batchbestand.
so...help meh plz
this is the silab error...:
Error_loader_client - Unable to download client.
silabclient was unable to download the client file
Login to your computer as an 'administator' user, and then try loading silabclient again. This should give it sufficient access to create save client cache file.
Or, create a new directory called C:\WINDOWS\.silabclient_store_32 or /.silabclient_store_32. If possible, set that directory to have full read+write permissions so that all users can write to it. silabclient should then detect that directory and use it for its files.
help me? i rlly want to keep playing!!!!
greetz v phat v